
Um fim-de-semana feliz!

Num país subdesenvolvido como a Alemanha 5 pessoas podem passar um fim-de-semana feliz viajando, todas as cinco, por apenas 33 euros! Não acredita? Veja no próprio site da CP lá do sítio.

«You are a tourist or you are travelling within a certain region or at the weekends?
Here you find information about the Happy-Weekend-Ticket and the Länder-Tickets.
Please note: You have to sign your name on the ticket, if there is a special space for your name on the ticket.

Valid for up to 5 persons travelling together and for parents travelling with their children aged 14 or younger on Saturdays or Sundays between 0:00 a.m. (midnight) until 3 a.m. of the following day for only EUR 33 if you buy your ticket online.
Here you can buy the tickets online. Pleas note: at present the shop is only availabe in German. Please click here to enter the
Ticket-Shop. You can also purchase the Happy-Weekend-Ticket on all DB-ticket automats or for 2 EUR more in all DB travel centers or DB agencies. Valid on all local trains, 2nd class only.
You would like to travel for a whole day during the week? In that case one of our Länder-Tickets might be your best choice. Travel any weekday from Monday to Friday or Sunday, depending on the region, from 9.00 a.m. until 3.00 a.m. the following day on local trains in the Bundesland/German federal state of your choice some tickets are also valid on weekends.
Click here to find more information about the "Länder-Tickets"»

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